Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Christina Lake! My favourite! June 26

This morning is a pretty somber one, we are all worried about Brett and although he feels "ok" it is decided that he probably shouldn't try to ride today. It is a lonely ride for me to Grand Forks. I just get lost in thinking about what it is going to feel like to complete this ride, it is going to be so amazing to make it to St. John's.

I have never been further East then Ontario so I'm very excited to see the Maritimes! It would be exciting to be in Quebec during Le Tour de France, but we will still be in Ontario.

We all arrive in Grand Forks and stop at the DQ for lunch, I'm so hungry and starting to feel sick. I have definitely experienced bonking now and I do not want to have that happen again. It makes me ummm... really emotional and being the only girl on the trip I definitely don't need to be any more uhhh...expressive.

During lunch Brett manages to get a massage appointment which is totally miraculous so we take a small layover in GF and I enjoy quite possible the yummiest Chai Tea Latte ever made!

Then its off to Christina Lake, I have spent so many summer vacations there. But not for some time now and its really great to go back there :o)

We arrive in the early evening and I notice a bike/coffee shop that we decide to stop at the next morning.
The weather is a little cool and it is disappointing but we don't really get to enjoy the lake, which is actually the warmest tree lined lake in Canada (just some tasty trivia for you.) Instead we just chill at the campsite and read as we don't have internet access at this campground.

The next day is going to be a challenging hilly one, with the biggest summit we have encountered yet!

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