Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Great Day, July 28.

Spragge to Sudbury - approx 120 kms

Today was a great day, the weather was great, I did not fall off my bike (which was, oh, so great!) The km's seemed to just go by really quickly. We also had a nice tailwind which helped keep our average speed up in the high twenties, even with some pretty long hills.

We did not find a campground though, so we slept at the Visitor Centre just south of Sudbury. It was ok, there were real washrooms but no showers of course. The ladies washroom was really clean but I guess the mens was not so nice (lucky for me!) I was a little concerned about Bears though, and this guy selling blueberries on the side of the road warned us about Bears too. But then he said that he had never seem near the Visitor Centre. I was not taking any chances and I opted to sleep in the van. It was pretty comfortable but I am so glad we are out of Bear Country...or at least almost.

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